Grancrest-Senki Wiki Staff Recruitment
Hi all, just a heads-up that I'll be on the lookout for some new '. As the wiki is progressing well, we need more staff members, to help moderate the content and the articles. Some of the former staff were all inactive for too long, so they were recently removed and now some spots have opened up.
Currently we’re prioritizing on '
Criteria for each has been detailed below. There is an application request to be submitted and we have recently updated our rights section of the wiki administration page with more general criteria. Please take a look at it.
After the application has been submitted, we will notify you with information about the selection process. There will be a brief background & activity checks and then going by our best judgment …
This is a blog post, a very useless one at that. My very first so there's not gonna be anything
Hey guys, this is Toji-san one of the admins of these wiki. So I'm here to make an announcement about the recent changes of this wiki. First of all, I'm glad that we have gotten very active and trustworthy editors who follow the anime and read the novels. Before it was Lygarx (Founder) due to other wiki projects, he stopped being active on this wiki. Then it became Oncius, who later became inactive then it was only our lovable Jerlin and me that was left,, we managed to raise this wiki to 100 pages.
I think there should be roles assigned so that this wiki can grow really well, because the anime keeps getting more famous and by episode 15. People will start coming here for spoilers. Here are some roles I assigned based on our active editors: …