For those who have not yet heard: Last year, Gamepedia and Fandom joined forces and are now two platforms on the same network. Later this year, we'll even become one unified platform. The teams at both Gamepedia and Fandom want to encourage our communities to work together now instead of splitting their efforts and competing with each other for readers and new editors.
I'd like to know how all of you here feel about uniting with Gamepedia's Grancrest War community. That would mean we archive one wiki - lock it from editing but keep the pages accessible to readers - and put a banner up that directs visitors towards the other, active wiki. Anyone who used to edit the now-archived wiki would be able to contribute to the active wiki, and any content on one side that's missing on the other can be moved over with edit histories intact.
Note: No merger will take place if both communities don't agree to it.
The advantages of becoming one community working together are clear: By working together, all fans of Grancrest War could build a resource on the game more effectively, keep it up-to-date more easily, and players would no longer be confused as to which site they should turn to for information.
This wiki sees significantly more pageviews than the sister Gamepedia wiki so it would make sense to combine efforts and work together here where all the action is! Keep in mind that later this year, both the Gamepedia and this Fandom wiki will move onto the same platform and then have a very similar if not the same layout, tool set and staff support.
Would you like to see the two communities united here on Fandom? Would you prefer to keep the two communities separate entirely? Please speak up!
You can also check out the conversation on the Gamepedia wiki on this same topic.
Can't wait to hear what you think!